Thursday, May 1, 2008



So we need to get going on your final animations! Final animations are due on May 15, but there are steps we can do together along the way to help the process go smoothly. These final animations need to be 30 seconds long and may be funny and lighthearted and character driven, they can be dark and moody and use text and images without a character, they can be synched to dialogue or a song, they can make a political statement or advertise Lime Diet Coke, whatever you want! But I need to approve the idea. So Thursday, you're going to "pitch" your ideas to me and the class with a storyboard. I have not assigned a ton of homework for this class so I really and truly expect you to do this. . . ready at the start of class! Here are some storyboard links if you'd like to know more about storyboarding and see examples. . .

I'd like yours to be on blank index cards. . . they're easy to rearrange or you can discard and add new ones without messing up your sequence. Use a pencil or a marker, draw quick. This is to communicate your ideas and think through things like what is on screen, who is on screen, is it a close up shot or faraway shot, does the character move through the scene or does the camera pan across the background, etc. I would like the final animations to have some sound. Whether you base it on a movie clip for dialogue or synch to a cool song or just add sound effects for depth, whatever. I'm excited to see what you come up with! We'll see you on Thursday!

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